Famous People From Durham, NC

Durham is home to some of the most famous people from Hollywood. If you want a taste of the glamour life, the best place to visit is Hollywood, NC. This city has been filming movies for decades. There are a lot of famous people who live here, which includes celebrities. You can see why so many actors and actresses call this their home state.

Plumber Durham NC

There are plenty of musical talent in this area because the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is home to the nation’s top arts schools. Many of these students chose to go on to be famous musicians or artists. Some of the most famous people from the area include former NASCAR driver Bill Miller, country singer Garth Brooks, stand up comic Robin Williams, and singer-actor David Arquette.

Durham is also home to many famous writers. poet Maya Angelou was born in Durham. She wrote some of her finest work while living here. Durham is also known as a home to a large number of musicians as well. Many musicians came to the area and made names for themselves such as Ray Vaughan, Glen Campbell, Johnny Jenkins, Roy Brown, and Billy Lee Riley.

In addition to music, the world of dance is also popular in Durham. Many local artists are famous for their dancing. Jazz is big in the area as well and it influenced many well known and not so famous people. Jazz is a style of music that is fast paced and incorporates a variety of dance movements such as ballet. If you love watching dancers put on a show, you will definitely appreciate the beauty of Durham during this festival.

If you are looking for someone to watch while you take in the music and dance, you should definitely consider a comedian. Two very popular acts are Dave Chappelle and Jeff Dunham. Both of these comedians have become very famous because they are funny and do great impressions of famous people. They will make you laugh and have you laughing so hard that you may tear up.

As you can see, the arts and music in Durham are varied. There are so many genres of entertainment that you should definitely explore when in Durham. If you are wondering what famous people are being entertained in the area, just look around. You will probably be surprised by the activities that are being conducted in the streets and in parks every day.

14 min
10.7 miles

via NC-147 S

Fastest route, the usual traffic

16 min
11.1 miles

via NC-147 S and Hopson Rd

17 min
10.1 miles

via NC-147 S and S Miami Blvd