Concord North Carolina High School is an historically significant public high school located in Concord, North Carolina, USA. It was established on September 2, 1895, first held on falls 1893, and is the second oldest active public high school on the East Coast. Consisting of thirty-two elementary, junior and senior grade classrooms, it provides a variety of different educational options for students who may need additional schooling beyond the traditional high schools, including art and music classes, a physical education facility, computer and engineering courses, vocational and trade schools, and more. As well as these specializations, Concord offers a great variety of general academic subjects, from algebra to business studies.
The students who attend Concord public schools are very well-rounded and have a variety of different backgrounds and interests. The average student at Concord is at least a B average, with students ranging from kindergarteners to seniors, and from students with disabilities to gifted and talented students. Due to its wide range of different student populations, the teaching staff has a wide variety of different experiences and personalities, and students have a wide range of different learning styles and interests as well. Many of Concord’s teachers also live in the Concord community and work alongside students all day every day.
Concord public schools are also well-known for their exceptional academics. Concord High School consistently ranks among the top ten schools in the nation for students who graduate from high school. Concord High also ranks among the top ten schools in the country for the percentage of students who graduate from the program with a high school diploma or higher. Concord has been ranked at the top level of the U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools for several years, and is currently ranked fifth by the U.S. News and World Report.